Website: None at this time
Blog: None at this time but will be making a new one soon
Facebook Fan Page: need to get one
How long have you been a beader/jewelry maker?
15+ years
Why do you want to participate in the Best Little Bead Box project?
I’ve heard of it before but never got the chance to sign up and enjoy reading about it. Have beads changed your life? How?
Yes. They’ve taken me to many places and have given me the opportunity to make a large number of wonderful friends. Without my beadwork, I’d probably be in the crazy house by now.
Do you consider yourself a beginner, intermediate or advanced beader/jewelry maker?
How did you get started working with beads?
In the early seventies, I started making Daisy Chain necklaces and it has been an obsession ever since. If you were a bead, what kind would you be? Why?
I’d be a large flamework bead in purple with lots of cubic zurconia. Because I work best when put to the fire and have loved purple and sparklies most of my life.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could have only one kind of bead with you, what would it be and why?
Seed beads, because they are so versatile. What is the best advice you've ever received from a bead artist, teacher or beading friend?
Keep doing what you love, you have a natural talent for bead work.
Do you have a particular quote that you think reflects your personal philosophies? If yes, please share it.
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~ Pablo Picasso
What was the best beady gift that you have ever received?
A beaded Santa doll.
What was the best beady gift that you ever gave to someone else?
Each piece I’ve given away has been my best and I am happy people love what I do with BEADS.
Aside from beading, do you do any other crafts? What are they?
Yes. I love doing mixed media work, collages, knitting, crocheting, sewing, any type of art that uses my hands and creativity.
What three words would best describe your current bead stash?
Expanding, Shiny, Colorful.
Please include a photograph of your very best piece of beadwork, if you have one available.
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